Rethinking Eye-blink Toolkit @CHI2021
Source codes are available at Rethinking Eye-blink: Assessing Task Difficulty through Physiological Representation of Spontaneous Blinking Abstract:Continuous assessment of task difficulty and mental workload is essential in improving the usability and accessibility of interactive systems. Eye tracking data has often been investigated to achieve this ability, with reports on ...
Haptics for Disabled People
Haptic technologies have enriched the ways we interact with people, computing agents and environments [1-3,6-10]. For the visually impaired community, the haptic modality has played a key role in way-finding applications [1,4-5]. Haptic smart cane is an example that has been shaping the way visually impaired people navigate on streets ...
Crowdsourcing physiological stress in wheelchair users during navigation
There are over 1.2 million wheelchair users in the United Kingdom. And the number is set to rise in line with a growing and ageing population. Many wheelchair users face a variety of stressors of navigating in a city, such as crowdedness, potholes, temporary constructions [2,3]. It has shown that ...
TIPA Opensource Project: Thermal Imaging-based Physiological and Affective computing toolkit
Mobile thermal imaging has created a new pathway to physiological measurements and affect recognition [1]. It enables contactless, simultaneous measurements of multiple vital signs and affective states. This can benefit healthcare, fitness sectors and specific user groups; for example, people with chronic pain who tend to reduce the number of ...
UCL Grand Challenges: Developing Solutions
Authors: UCL Grand Challenges Team and Dr Youngjun Cho (GDI Hub & UCL Interaction Centre) The Global Disability Innovation Hub is challenging assumptions about disability and the design of assistive technology. The GDI Hub takes an inclusive approach that draws on the expertise of disabled people, practitioners, academics and the ...
Assessing mental workload and accessibility issues in VR/AR applications for people with disability
Virtual reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have great potential as a technological intervention for disabled people [1-3]. However, most human factor research into VR/AR does not consider people with disabilities. In this project, we consider the accessibility challenges (e.g. mental load, stress [5]) faced by people with a certain ...
Non-contact Physiological Measurement
As humans are homeothermic, our internal temperature is closely linked with numerous physiological and psychological mechanisms. Given this, human thermal patterns have been explored to improve the understandings of our body for a couple of centuries (Cho, 2019). Researchers have shown that physiological signatures can be captured via non-contact thermal ...
Automatic Recognition of Psychological States (eg. Mental Stress)
With sensing technology becoming pervasive in our everyday life, the ability to monitor human psychological states has become important in human computer interaction. Amongst such states, high level mental stress or mental workload is a common problem affecting mental, physical health and life in our modern society (Nash & Thebarge, ...
Deep Thermal Imaging Toolkit @CHI2018
Full source codes are available at 1. Requirement Matlab (version>2012) MatConvNet ( Deep CNN Framework for Matlab users. 2. Quick Summary DEEP THERMAL IMAGING - Main Libraries Void deep_thermal_imaging_training_and_testing(kfold, numberofclass, filename, directory, isoutdoor) Trains and Tests on the given dataset. Input variables: kfold (the number of k for k-fold cross ...
Biomedical Optics Express Journal Paper: Supplementary Materials
An example clip to show the performance of the proposed method (from Dataset1 - controlled respiration in environments with non-constant temperature) An example clip to show the performance of the proposed method (from Dataset2 - unconstrained respiration with natural motion artefact) An example clip to show the performance of the ...