Assessing mental workload and accessibility issues in VR/AR applications for people with disability
Virtual reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have great potential as a technological intervention for disabled people [1-3]. However, most human factor research into VR/AR does not consider people with disabilities. In this project, we consider the accessibility challenges (e.g. mental load, stress [5]) faced by people with a certain ...

Non-contact Physiological Measurement
As humans are homeothermic, our internal temperature is closely linked with numerous physiological and psychological mechanisms. Given this, human thermal patterns have been explored to improve the understandings of our body for a couple of centuries (Cho, 2019). Researchers have shown that physiological signatures can be captured via non-contact thermal ...

Automatic Recognition of Psychological States (eg. Mental Stress)
With sensing technology becoming pervasive in our everyday life, the ability to monitor human psychological states has become important in human computer interaction. Amongst such states, high level mental stress or mental workload is a common problem affecting mental, physical health and life in our modern society (Nash & Thebarge, ...

Deep Thermal Imaging Toolkit @CHI2018
Full source codes are available at https://github.com/deepneuroscience/DeepThermalImaging 1. Requirement Matlab (version>2012) MatConvNet (https://github.com/vlfeat/matconvnet): Deep CNN Framework for Matlab users. 2. Quick Summary DEEP THERMAL IMAGING - Main Libraries Void deep_thermal_imaging_training_and_testing(kfold, numberofclass, filename, directory, isoutdoor) Trains and Tests on the given dataset. Input variables: kfold (the number of k for k-fold cross ...

Biomedical Optics Express Journal Paper: Supplementary Materials
An example clip to show the performance of the proposed method (from Dataset1 - controlled respiration in environments with non-constant temperature) An example clip to show the performance of the proposed method (from Dataset2 - unconstrained respiration with natural motion artefact) An example clip to show the performance of the ...

Matlab source codes: Stress Induction Tasks for “DeepBreath” @ACII2017
Source code for "DeepBreath Project" Description: We propose DeepBreath, a deep learning model which automatically recognises people's psychological stress level (mental overload) from their breathing patterns. Using a low cost thermal camera, we track a person's breathing patterns as temperature changes around his/her nostril. The paper's technical contribution is threefold ...

Computer Science Conference Ranking 2017/2018 – Prestigious Top 4 by “Research Area”
(Source: Google Scholar Metrics) # Human Computer Interaction Conference H5-index Computer Human Interaction (CHI) ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW) ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) ACM Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp) # Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition Conference H5-index IEEE Conference on ...

3D modelling files for RealPen @UIST 2016
Description: We present RealPen, an augmented stylus for capacitive tablet screens that recreates the physical sensation of writing on paper with a pencil, ball-point pen or marker pen. The aim is to create a more engaging experience when writing on touch surfaces, such as screens of tablet computers. This is ...
Method and apparatus for generating haptic feedback
KR Patent Publication 20130024420A Youngjun Cho, Gyung-Hoon Hwang, Munchae Joung, Sunuk Kim 본 발명의 실시 예에 따른 햅틱 피드백 생성장치는 햅틱 피드백(haptic feedback)을 발생시키도록 구동하는 액추에이터(actuator), 액추에이터의 구동에 의한 구동 변화량을 감지하는 센서(sensor), 액추에이터를 구동하는 제1 구동신호, 구동 변화량을 이용하여 햅틱 피드백을 제어하는 제2 구동신호를 생성하는 구동 드라이버(driver)를 포함한다. https://patents.google.com/patent/KR20130024420A/ ...