Youngjun Cho
Youngjun is currently pursuing his PhD in UCLIC and the faculty of Brain Sciences at UCL. He received an MSc in Robotics from KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) in 2011.
Before joining UCLIC, he worked as a senior researcher in the LG Electronics Research Center (Seoul) for five years (2011-2015) and was a principal investigator of the 4D Touch Project, which has been successfully commercialising a 3D input technology in collaboration with major automobile manufacturers around the world. His previous works on human-computer interaction, haptics, machine learning, algorithm produced over 50 patents. His research interests include designing the principles, techniques, and technologies for the next generation of sensing devices and tactile displays that extend the interactive space and enhance human perception, and understand human psychophysics. For his PhD research, he is exploring thermography-based affective computing to understand human affects and support psychological needs.
November 2015